I was on fire I knew I could achieve anything I wanted, I set my daily goal and surpassed it, that was today. Now yesterday on the other hand wasn’t like today at all, nothing seemed to stick, nobody was available goals weren’t achievable and maybe I should have just stayed in bed.
So what was different? I was the same person, it was only 24 hours prior and the day seemed to start out the same way (with a coffee). But for some reason the magic wasn’t there so I asked myself………..
The answer of course was I couldn’t have, a moment missed is a moment missed, a chance for success doesn’t rely on the chance it relies on YOU and some days there is no sweet spot just misses. So what is my point? my point is that we are treated as though life is the same every day, as if some formula exists that allows us to achieve the same as long as we put in the same EFFORT and this my friends is a crock.
Success isn’t about about effort it isn’t about luck or for that matter about opportunity, it is in fact about YOU and you are NOT a machine you are human and as a human you have ups and downs. Sometimes these occur occasionally and sometimes they occur frequently but they never don’t occur.
So why do businesses think that you can rate people simply by looking at their effort, this has NOTHING to do with success or value and especially opportunity. Some days I can pick up the phone, meet someone on the street, get introduced to a stranger and from that obscure beginning achieve a goal with no effort at all just by simply being there. Then on other days (or weeks for that matter) nothing works and to make it worse at this point I try even harder, the result………..
But we are all paid to do something, it is our job description, our title, our position. It doesn’t really matter what because we are still being paid on a feudal system (for our time) this might have seemed appropriate when we moved from the fields to factories but our shift from factories to offices has muddled up the equation.
And now to make matters worse we are being asked to THINK while doing our jobs. And here is the rub for when you ask people to think you have asked for the most diverse input in the world. Education is not designed to get individuals to think it is designed to get them to learn and regurgitate.
Thinking is different for every single one of us, everyone has an opinion what will or won’t work based on their knowledge or experience or even maybe just a gut feeling. I use my gut feeling all the time and like anything in life the more you use it the better you get at it. But I also use my experience and what’s even more important, other peoples experience and knowledge. So where did it……
Its all about time, or at least the fragmentation of time that now rules our lives. In previous times people worked to the cycles of the seasons, there was a rythm to it and our bodies relate to it naturally. Then the calendar came into being and we broke our seasons into Months and days, then the clock was introduced and and we broke our days into hours and minutes…..I guess you are getting the picture.
The faster we lived our lives the less room we had for difference, nobody want’s your opinion they just want you to do it. But now the wheel is turning and we are moving back into a space of thinking and we are NOT prepared for it. You see thinking requires space, you know “Give me time to think” I wonder who was the first person to say that and what problem they had been asked to solve. Or was it a reaction to some pushy salesperson, a gut feeling that time was being used to manipulate a decision.
Whatever the reason from that time forward people were required to be able to think FASTER, making a decision on the spot was rewarded, slow thinkers need not apply. Psychologists call this Power vs Speed and how smart you are is rated on speed, which when you think of it is crap. I would rather someone SOLVED the problem, why should how long they take matter at all.
Now just like the slow food revolution I foresee a….. SLOW THINKING REVOLUTION And this is where the POWER of being DIFFERENT will come to fruition.
You see the ability to think differently has always existed, otherwise we would have only had one car design, one aeroplane etc, there has always been a place for thinkers it was that we didn’t need lots of them just enough for commerce. But now we are all being asked to think.
And for those of you that never fitted into the clone business model, those who always felt there was another way, there is and it has arrived and your unique thought process is your greatest asset. It is time to revolutionise the way people learn and e-learning is the new world order.
And maybe when children go to school they will be taught how to be creative, how to get along with other children, how to look at different peoples point of view…….
BECAUSE THE POWER OF BEING DIFFERENT Rely’s on us ALL accepting there is no RIGHT way to do things and that just like me on a bad day, equally on a good day it might just work.
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