This week I turned 61 And it has brought the usual rush of thoughts to the brain that every birthday brings, bugger I am another year older, where did the last year go, how many do I have left, time is flying, etc. Only this time it is different and the gift of having a life more »
Well it was three years in the making and each stone was lovingly placed, 30 tons in all. And as I built this wall when ever I got the chance I learn’t a lot, the stones do indeed speak. I started this wall as a fit 59 year old, strong enough to lift up the more »
ALL WEEK I had been complaining to Lorraine and any one else that would listen ” I am going to be 59 this week I am nearly sixty years old, gees I am getting old” working with young people does have its downsides. And now I was reacting to this piece of news with “are you crazy more »
Personal Development, Fad or Fiction
Recently I was humbled to be invited to write a post on personal development for Merrin and George from Absolute Wealth and as always I have received feedback that has not always been positive…just how I like it. SO PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, ITS A NO BRAINER….. YES? Well no actually, in fact I am not sure personal development actually more »
APOLOGIES I have no excuse as to why it has taken me so long to do my next post, and now that is out of the way; my next post. Last month my previous employer decided to let me go from his organisation for whom I had been working for four years . For me four more »
TODAY I FELT EVERYTHING CLICK I was on fire I knew I could achieve anything I wanted, I set my daily goal and surpassed it, that was today. Now yesterday on the other hand wasn’t like today at all, nothing seemed to stick, nobody was available goals weren’t achievable and maybe I should have just stayed in bed. So more »
SO YOU THINK HAVE A GREAT IDEA You’re not alone in fact everyone I have ever met has at least one burning in the back of their brain. You see the Great Idea is one thing that we humans cling to in our misguided belief that we are special. Of course we are not special when it more »
The world’s meteoric rise to Mediocrity ,and your place in it.
IS THIS FOR REAL ….. I was going to write the second instalment about re-inventing yourself when I was blind sided by an interesting article on how Narcissistic the modern generation has become.To add insult to injury I then read how the people who watched Fox news had got dumber over the years. Which has more »
Who’s Shaping YOUR future
HERE’S A HINT….IT’S NOT SOMEONE ELSE This year as never before we will be challenged by uncertainty and restrictive behaviour as the frugalness that tight monetary constraints incur continues. Accept it, the Eighties are gone and greed has turned out not to be good (who in their right mind ever thought it would be) and we are fighting the battle of more »
So The Cups half Full…. Big Deal
OK I ADMIT I am a bit scratchy at the moment, this Christmas Spirit I am meant to be feeling is really tiring and seems to be a one way thing. Clients haven’t got into the swing, in fact they are trying to cram as much into the next few days as humanly possible. Which more »