Depression is a cloven beast it robs us of our choice
it steals away our dignity and silences our voice
Depression is the blackened hole that sucks us to our knees
it whispers thoughts, seductive taunts, and kills us by degrees
Depression is a prison cell without the need for bars
in tightly locked and sunless rooms we bide away the hours
Then if by chance you stay alive, the mist may slowly fade
for it’s by chance, some fate, some luck, that keeps us from the grave
Depression is a teacher whose gift is many things
resilience, hope, the power of us, the equalness of beings.
It woke in me, the dyslexic one, random hours of the night
a chance to say what’s on my mind, it taught me how to write
It took from me my fear of death, to that I’d paid no mind
and then by chance it gave it back, a gift unto the dying
When fear of death no longer sways, a calmness can prevail
and choices made, kept from the grave, alive to tell the tale
So what I learned when looking back, upon that lonely walk
the same refrain wrapped up in pain, and still a fear to talk
“We need to change the last line, please reach out to someone around you”
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