About Nick

I don't say things to be liked I say them because I mean them. Reputation doesn't come from being liked it comes from standing for something.
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The Presidents Sister

THE MARK Her name was Natalia Veselnitskya and to say she was beautiful is like calling the Mona Lisa “folk art”, she was beyond beautiful and I fell, instantly in love. That said I have been known for my compulsive behaviour and occasionally it has taken me to undesirable places but nothing, I mean nothing more »

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MY NAME IS not important, but what I am about to tell you should be a warning that technology and Robots and AI might be frightening but there is another thing that has just started to emerge on the dark net, that is the transfer of time for rewards, in this case cryptocurrencies. So what more »

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Duck foretells the future (a modern fable)

I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE YOU BACK IN TIME long before mankind destroyed the planet, back to a time when all the spirits of the Planet were working out who would be responsible for what part of the Planet’s upkeep. For you see early on in the mists of time we all were equal, not more »

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A boy named Sue

A HEART DARKER THAN THE ECLIPSE His name was Sue Davidson and as he sat in his broken chair surrounded by the filth of fifteen years of hoarding and takeaways he cried to himself quietly. Not the tears of joy or even sorrow, no an emotion far deeper, one that tore at his blackened soul, more »

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Chinese Sex Robots to Marry

To tell you the truth when I first read about this in Gizmag and watched the video I thought it was a joke, you know “fake news” but because of my never ending nosiness and lack of a real job I decided to stick my nose in where it wasn’t welcome and very nearly died more »

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The Pigstrom Report

The rain was coming down in bucketfuls as I sat in the kitchen looking out. It had been six days now and still no word on whether I had been accepted into the group and I was beginning to wonder if it hadn’t been a scam to get my personal details, but why all  the more »

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The Premonition.

The Premonition. David knew it was going down, lights were flickering in the cabin and the angle of the plane meant you had to hold on to the seat in front of you otherwise your head would smash into it. So much for the brace position, thought up by some twat in an office with more »

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Stephan was by nature a happy go lucky person, gifted with insights others wrote books about but never really achieved themselves. Tonight was to be his crowning glory and as he looked out into the packed auditorium he swelled with pride and a sense of excitement coursed through his body. The pang hit him like more »

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The Rich Agency

Gerald saw the look, just for a moment then it was gone, no matter his mind was made up and what Gerald Islington undertook he always finished. And so it was on that Saturday on a bleak day in June that the die was cast for what would later become an urban legend. Now the more »

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The Romanian Butcher

The glare from the oncoming headlights was insane; it bored into Rameul’s eyes like a laser causing him to lower his gaze. Not a bad thing, unless you are doing 80 miles an hour in driving rain on an unfamiliar back road being pursued by your ex wife’s very hostile lover. And to make matters worse as Rameul looked back up the road had disappeared and more »

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