About Nick

I don't say things to be liked I say them because I mean them. Reputation doesn't come from being liked it comes from standing for something.
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Is your service an Oxymoron

MOST PROBABLY YES it is and this is not surprising given that most companies require profit to survive. Now I realise that you probably feel that you indeed offer superior service and maybe you do but service is not about profit it is about….that’s right service. It is an experience that your customer receives not more »

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Fast talking Slow thinking

MY WHOLE LIFE I have been a fast talker, from the moment sentences formed in my mind I spat them out like machinegun fire, why, why ,what if, why not, the list was endless. It was this ADHD approach that made my mother fear educating me, as because she was giving me the information I expected more »

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DEPRESSION Depression is a cloven beast it robs us of our choice it steals away our dignity and silences our voice   Depression is the blackened hole that sucks us to our knees it whispers thoughts, seductive taunts, and kills us by degrees   Depression is a prison cell without the need for bars in more »

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All we need is LOVE

AS USUAL I was motivated to this post by someone else, in this case my mate Mike Lowery wanting to talk about the importance of diversity in friendships. As usual my first reaction was a question, what is the definition of Love as if it is “all we need” then there should be a simple more »

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4 lessons from”The New Reich”

For those who have hidden behind the “let’s wait and see” curtain the results must have come as a shock, three weeks in to a four year term and the Emperor has got clothes, they were just hidden under his ill fitting suit. And now like the super hero he is, he has ripped them more »

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Reputation is not your Brand

Just lately I have been talking with people about the difference between Reputation, Brand and PR and how confusions arise about them when we start to articulate our story. So lets start at the best place…the beginning. When you start out in business you often are trying to solve a problem, often your own. This more »

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Make your Weakness your Strength

I AM NOT SURE About you, but for way too long I have been listening to the mantra ” forget about your weaknesses concentrate on your strengths” well I know that sounds logical but it also sounds like “80% of businesses fail in the first 3 years”……Why, where is the proof? Weakness is not something more »

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MY PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS and what I learned

ITS TRUE I have spent my life in the pursuit of Happiness and to a greater extent I have achieved it. And as I look back I thought I would share what I learned, both from an emotional and physical viewpoint. To start with I thought I should define what I thought happiness was as I more »

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A BOLD STATEMENT Maybe, but often it is only a bold statement that makes us stop long enough to see below the surface to what is really going on (marketing 101) but in this case it is the truth and the addiction to constant updates on Twitter, Facebook, Linked, email, youtube etc has led us down more »

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It’s the voice of my customer..Right?

I have come into some criticism of late around how long my blog’s are. It would seem that people are busy / not interested in long posts. SO I WONDERED IF IT MIGHT BE POSSIBLE TO DISTIL A BLOG INTO A SINGLE SENTENCE No Matter whether we are a business or an individual we all more »

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