About Nick

I don't say things to be liked I say them because I mean them. Reputation doesn't come from being liked it comes from standing for something.
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The Rich Agency

Gerald saw the look, just for a moment then it was gone, no matter his mind was made up and what Gerald Islington undertook he always finished. And so it was on that Saturday on a bleak day in June that the die was cast for what would later become an urban legend. Now the more »

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The Romanian Butcher

The glare from the oncoming headlights was insane; it bored into Rameul’s eyes like a laser causing him to lower his gaze. Not a bad thing, unless you are doing 80 miles an hour in driving rain on an unfamiliar back road being pursued by your ex wife’s very hostile lover. And to make matters worse as Rameul looked back up the road had disappeared and more »

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